Friday, June 17, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday

I decided to give Quick Takes a try! Thanks to Jennifer at Conversion Diary for the Friday fun!

1. My son's last day of kindergarten was today. Sniff, sniff! It is so bittersweet to watch your children grow up. He's terribly sad about school ending. Instead of being excited for summer, this week has been full of tears and tummy aches. He already misses his teacher. Sweet boy.

2. Speaking of summer, the sun is finally out! We've had an unusually rainy spring with only a handful of nice days, so the blue sky this morning was a welcome sight.

3. This weekend is, of course, Father's Day and I had to laugh when my husband sent me a list of ideas for "the kids" (aka me) to get him. It could easily pass for my son's birthday list. My 34, almost 35-year-old husband wants Legos and XBOX games. Gotta love him!

4. I'm wondering if some pain meds and a beer might be more appropriate for him, however, as he's nursing cracked ribs, various deep contusions and a lot of road rash from his mountain biking adventure last weekend. I guess I'm grateful it wasn't worse, but the poor guy has been in a lot of pain this week.

5. On a lighter note, I'm pretty sure Starbucks puts something highly addictive (besides the caffeine) in their mocha coconut frappuccinos. Those things are to die for! I've been craving them ever since I tried one a couple of weekends ago. I don't even want to know how many calories are in that thing...

6. Last night I went out for a little shopping with the hubs and found a great new dress for when I need to look professional. I only work very part time, and mostly from home, so I don't often need to dress up anymore. But I'm attending a speaking engagement later this month (given by our CEO, aka my stepdad, who is a frequent public speaker), so I needed something nice. As a bonus, it was even on sale!

7. Said new dress is a size I didn't think I'd ever see again - yay me!

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