Sunday, April 3, 2011

What to write about... a beginning.

I'm a writer, yet over the last several years I've been bogged down with anxiety about what to write. I've blogged before, usually focusing on life as a mother. And although I do enjoy writing about parenting, I find that so often I'm so intent on coming up with a catchy angle, a topic that will be interesting and get people to read my posts, and I wind up writing nothing. By the end of the day I'm worn out, my brain is tired and I'm not exactly at my most creative. I've gone through a rather lengthy writing dry spell.

I'm also on a journey of discovery when it comes to my faith. I grew up Catholic, but strayed away from the church as a young adult. After becoming parents, my husband and I both knew we needed to step up our game faith wise and go from "sure we believe in God but we don't do much about it" people to "living our faith as a good example to our children" people. And we've come a very, very long way. For a host of reasons, we chose to explore the Catholic faith together, resulting in an extremely rewarding trip through the RCIA process at our local parish. Last Easter vigil (2010), my husband was baptized into the Catholic faith and now we're a fully baptized and confirmed Catholic family. Our marriage has never been better, our faith never stronger. But that was only the beginning.

I've been thinking a lot lately about writing and about my faith. So I decided to give this a go. I want to write about my journey; about my questions, my thoughts, my struggles, my triumphs. I need an outlet to better explore my faith and help me on this road and I need to spend more time writing. Blogging about it seemed like the natural solution.

I don't know if anyone will ever read this. I don't know if I'll decide to link it to my Facebook profile or tell my friends I'm writing. I think I need to not worry about those things now. I just need to write about things that are important, or perplexing, or interesting to me right now. And if someday, someone reads this in the immense sea of blogs out there, then that's fine. And if not, well, that's ok too. I'll just put it out there into the digital universe and see what happens.

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